Friday, May 25, 2012

प्रथम महिला राष्ट्रपति प्रतिभा पाटिल चीनी मिल में ड्रग स्मगलिंग से लेकर कई बैंक घोटाले, जमिन घोटाले और हत्यारे भाई को सरंक्षण देने जैसे गंभीर गुनाहों में डूबी हुई

भारत की प्रथम महिला राष्ट्रपति प्रतिभा पाटिल चीनी मिल में ड्रग स्मगलिंग से लेकर कई बैंक घोटाले, जमिन घोटाले और हत्यारे भाई को सरंक्षण देने जैसे गंभीर गुनाहों में डूबी हुई है ? जानिये और शेयर कीजिये प्रतिभा का काला सच:

1. प्रतिभा महिला सहकारी बैंक जिसे उन्होंने 1973 में अन्य महिलाओं के लिए अपने नाम से स्थापित किया था 1995 में भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक ने इसे "कमजोर बैंक" की सूची में शामिल कर लिया। उन्होंने अपने परिवार के कई लोगों को इसमें निदेशक बनाया। प्रतिभा पाटिल अंत तक इसकी संस्थापक अध्यक्ष बनी रहीं और रिश्तेदारों कों करोडो के कर्ज बाटकर घोटाले किये।

2. प्रतिभा पाटिल मुंबई के श्रम साधना ट्रस्ट की मैनेजिंग ट्रस्टी हैं। ट्रस्ट ने महाराष्ट्र में अपने द्वारा संचालित पॉलिटेक्निक से 2001 से 2003 के बीच 4.16 करोड़ रुपये निकाले जो नियमों का खुला उल्लंघन है। यह रकम इंस्टिट्यूट के विकास में इस्तेमाल की जानी चाहिए थी।'

3. प्रतिभा के चेयरमन रहते हुये संत मुक्ताबाई चीनी मिल में ड्रग्स स्मगलिंग नेटवर्क पाया गया था, इस मिल में प्रतिभा ने काई घोटाले भी किये और मिल ने बैंक से लिया हुआ कर्ज भी डूबा दिया.

4. कांग्रेस नेता व्ही.जी. पाटिल के हत्यारे अपने भाई को बचाने के लिए प्रतिभा ने राष्ट्रपति पद का दुरुपयोग किया था.

5. राष्ट्रपति प्रतिभा पाटिल की विदेश यात्राओं में सरकारी खजाने का करीब 205 करोड रूपया खर्च हो गया। यह एक रिकॉर्ड बन गया है। खर्च का ब्यौरा आरटीआई से हुआ है। प्रतिभा पाटिल ने अपने कार्यकाल में 12 विदेश यात्राएं कीं। इन विदेश यात्राओं के दौरान वह 79 दिन तक विदेशों में रहीं। उन्होंने सरकारी खजाने से अपने कई रिश्तेदारों कों भी विदेश यात्राए करवाई.

6. राष्ट्रपति प्रतिभा पाटिल के रिटायरमेंट निवास के लिए पुणे में सैनिकों की 5 एकड़ से अधिक 2.60 लाख रुपए वर्ग फुट की कीमत वाली जमीन आबंटित कर दी गई । प्रतिभा पाटिल पर आरोप है कि बंगला बनाने के लिए उन्होंने तय सीमा से 6 गुना अधिक सेना की जमीन कथित रूप से ‘हथिया’ ली। बाद में विवाद के चलते प्रतिभा अपना फैसला बदल लिया.

7. प्रतिभा पाटिल एक जमाने में इंदिरा गांधी के घर रसोई बनाने का काम करती थी. नेहरू-गांधी परिवार की वफादार होनी के नाते सोनिया गांधी ने उन्हें भारत का राष्ट्रपति बना दिया.

8. प्रतिभा पाटिल और उनके पारिवारिक सदस्यों की अंडमान-निकोबार द्वीप की तीन दिवसीय यात्रा को सुरक्षित बनाने के लिए सैकड़ों पेड़ों को बलि चढ़ा दिया गया। राष्ट्रपति के हेलिकॉप्टर के लिए हेलीपेड बनाने में 400 से ज्यादा पेड़ काट दिए गए। पोर्ट ब्लेयर में विमानतल से राज निवास के बीच कम से 60 पेड़ इसलिए बलि चढ़ गए, क्योंकि ये जहाँ राष्ट्रपति ठहरेंगी, वहाँ से बीच का नजारा देखने में बाधा खड़ी करते।

9. राष्ट्रपति प्रतिभा पाटिल से जुड़े अन्य गुनाहों की जानकारी के लिए पढ़े:
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CIVIL MISC. WRIT PETITION NO.                      OF 2005
          (Under Article 226 of the Constitution of India)
                                                                          (DISTRICT – BANDA)
         M/S Neogy and Sons, Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.)
Through its Partner Ashok Kumar Neogy, s/o Late
Anil Kumar Neogy, resident of Jaitwara, District-
Satna (M.P.) and 34 others …………….Petitioners


State of Uttar Pradesh, through Secretary,
Forest Department, Secretariat, U.P. Lucknow. and others

Particulars of Documents
Annexure No.
Page No.
List of Dates

Stay Application


Forest Produce Rules, 1978
Annexure No.1

Mining lease(as an exemplar)
Annexure No.2

Writ Petition No. 5339 of 2002 Judgement
Annexure No.3

Excavation transit-pass(as an exemplar) 
Annexure No.4

Foreign Pass under the threat of confiscation(as an exemplar)
Annexure No.5

U.P. Transit of Timber and other Forest Produce (Ist Amendment) Rules, 2004
Annexure No.6

The interim order passed in writ petition no.36496 of 2004
Annexure No.7

The interim order passed in writ petition no.45687 of 2004
Annexure No.8

Petitioner’s Representations (collectively)
Annexure No.9



      Dated/- 14th  January, 2005                        (YOGESH KUMAR SAXENA)           
                                                                  COUNSEL FOR THE PETITIONERS
                                                                             Chamber No. 139

                                LIST OF DATES
CIVIL MISC. WRIT PETITION NO.                      OF 2005
          (Under Article 226 of the Constitution of India)
                                                                                 (DISTRICT – BANDA)
           M/S Neogy and Sons, Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.)
Through its Partner Ashok Kumar Neogy, s/o Late
Anil Kumar Neogy, resident of Jaitwara, District-
Satna (M.P.) and 34 others………………………...Petitioners
State of Uttar Pradesh, through Secretary,
Forest Department, Secretariat, U.P. Lucknow. and others                    ………………………………………..RESPONDENTS
21.9.1927           INDIAN FOREST ACT, 1927- Definition-“ 2 (4). ‘ Forest Produce’ includes-
(a)    the following, whether found in, or brought from, aforest or not, that is to say –
timber, charcoal, coutchouc, catechu, wood-oil, resin, natural varnish, bark, lac, myrabalans and rhinoceros horns, and
(b)                    the following when found in or brought from a forest, that is to say –
(i)           trees and leaves, and fruits and all other parts or produce, not herein before mentioned of trees.
(ii)          Plants not being trees (including grass, creepers, reeds and moss), and all parts of produce of such plants.
(iii)        Wild animals and skins, tusks and horns other than rhinoceros horns, bones, silk, cocoons, honey and wax , and all other parts or produce of animals, and
(iv)        Peat, surface oil, rock and minerals (including lime-stone, laterite, mineral oils and all products of mines and quarries.”                      
27.9.1978           U.P. Transit of Timber and Other Forest Produce Rules,      1978. The transit fees under these Rules may be realised only on forest produce as defined under section 2 (4) of the Indian Forest Act, 1927.
12.12.1996                  T.N. Godavarman Thirumulkpad versus Union of India (1997) 2 S.C.C. Page 267; A.I.R. 1997 S.C. page 1228 followed by (1997) 3 S.C.C. page 312 and (1997) 10 S. C. C. Page 775.
13.01.1998         T.N. Godavarman Thirumulkpad versus Union of India 2000 (10) SCC 579 . Thus inview of the aforesaid direction any mining activities from inside the forest land / area  has been prohibited  completely and as such  minerals can not be excavated nor brought from the forest, and as such the minerals are not the forest produced.
21.12.2001                Prescribed Form of mining lease executed by the concerned petitioner through its partner and the Collector on behalf of Governor of Madhya Pradesh accompanied with the Map and stamp payable in the aforesaid lease for the aforesaid execution.
13.11.2003                Issue the transit pass to the petitioners for excavation from the revenue land by specifying therein that the mining activities are permissible only inside the non-forest area.
27.12.2003         Even the minerals transported is not the forest produced but even than the respondent no. 3 issued arbitrarily Foreign Pass, which were obtained by the respondent no.3 under the threat of confiscation of the vehicle even transporting the (Minerals namely Red Ochre, Yellow Ochre, White Earth and Bauxite etc.), which is non Forest Produce.
16.04.2004        Issued vide notification of the provisions of U.P. Transit of Timber and other Forest Produce (Ist Amendment) Rules, 2004, having certain amendment in respect of realisation of the fees chargeable by the forest department.
31.12.2004              Representations submitted by the petitioners before the respondent no.3 accompanied with the affidavits and other relevant documents seeking prohibition from the realisation of transit fees under the provisions of U.P. Transit of Timber and Other Forest Produce Rules,1978. The petitioner submitted there arguments in support of these averment requesting them not to realise the transit fees on the non forest produce, which is wholly arbitrary and realised by the respondents without jurisdiction.
14.01.2005              The present writ petition is filed before this Hon’ble Court.

Dated/- 14th January, 2005                        (YOGESH KUMAR SAXENA)           
                                                                  COUNSEL FOR THE PETITIONERS
                                                                                      Chamber No. 139

CIVIL MISC. APPLICATION NO.                    OF 2005.
           (Under Section 151 of the C.P.C.)
                       On behalf of
M/S Neogy  and Sons, Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.)Through its Partner Ashok Kumar Neogy, s/o Late Anil Kumar Neogy, resident of Jaitwara, District-Satna (M.P.) and 34 others …………….APPLICANTS/ Petitioners.

CIVIL MISC. WRIT PETITION NO.                      OF 2005

          (Under Article 226 of the Constitution of India)
                                                               ( DISTRICT – BANDA )

1.   M/S Neogy  and Sons, Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.)Through its Partner Ashok Kumar Neogy, s/o Late Anil Kumar Neogy, resident of Jaitwara, District-Satna (M.P.)
2.   M/S Mittal Trading Company, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.)        through its partner Suresh Kumar Agrawal, son of Sri Beni Madhav  Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.)
3.   M/S Chhabbo Lal Shiv Kumar, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Partner Shiv Kumar son of Sri Chhabbov Lal ,Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
4.   M/S Rameshwar Prasad  Ram Chandra, Jitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Kamlesh Kumar Bansal Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
5.    M/S Kunji Lal Ishwar Prasad, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Durga Prasad Agrawal, s/o Sri Mool Chand Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
6.   M/S M.M. Minerals, Satna, through its Partner Smt. Saraswati Agrawal, w/o Sri Mahesh Prasad Agrawal,Resident of Satna, District- Satna (M.P.).
7.    M/S Praveen Chand Jain, Uchehara, District Satna, through its Partner Praveen Chand Jain, s/o Sri Shiclal Jain,Resident of Uchehara,.District Satna (M.P.).
8.    M/S S.M. Minerals, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Mahesh Prasad Agrawal, s/o Sri Shiv Ratan Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
9.    M/S Ruchit Minerals & Chemicals, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Raghvendra Kumar  Agrawal, s/o Sri Ram Autar Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
10.        M/S Sitaram Mahesh Kumar, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Ashok Bansal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
11.       M/S Harris Minerals Supply Co. Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Arun Kumar Bansal, s/o Sri Har Lal Bansal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
12.       M/S Bansal Khanij Udyog, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Partner Ram Chandra Bansal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
13.        M/S M.P. Mineral Supply Co. Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Parnter Om Prakash Bansal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
14.       M/S Jai Lal  Bharat Lal, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Shree Gopal Bansal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
15.       M/S Rakesh Agencies,  Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Om Prakash Bansal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
16.        M/S Mittal Minerals, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Brijendra Kumar Agrawal s/o Sri Som Chandra Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
17.        M/S Harsh Minerals, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Sharda Prasad Bansal s/o Sri Har Lal Basal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
18.       M/S Lachhi Lal and Sons Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Praveen Chand Agrawal , Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
19.        M/S Pooja Minerals Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through Power of Attorney Holder Sri R.S. Bansal ,Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
20.        M/S Samle Prasad Gauri Shankar  Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Prakash Chandra Gupta   s/o Sri Gauri Shankar Gupta, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
21.       M/S Mahesh Minerals Satna (M.P.) through its proprietor Mahesh Prasad Agrawal   s/o Sri Mool Chand Agrawal, Resident of Satna,  District- Satna (M.P.).
22.       M/S Hiralal Anubhav Kumar  Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Vishwanath Prasad    s/o Sri Heera Lal Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
23.        M/S Hiralal & Sons, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Rajendra Kumar Agrawal s/o Sri Heera Lal Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
24.       M/S Gulab Chand Agrawal & Brothers Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Ramdas Agrawal  s/o Sri Beni Madhav Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
25.       M/S Kunjilal Badri Prasad Agrawal, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Durga Prasad Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
26.        M/S Agrawal Minerals, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Lakhanlal Agrawal s/o Sri Sundar Lal Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
27.       M/S Agrawal Minerals, Jaitwara Branch at Katni. (M.P.) through its Proprietor Gopal Swaroop Agrawal s/o Sri Govind Prasad Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
28.       M/S Shiv Minerals & Chemicals, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Smt. Sarla Devi Agrawal, w/o Sri Ram Autar Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
29.       M/S Singhania Minerals, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Vishnu Kumar Agrawal s/o Sri Mukund Lal Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
30.       M/S R.K. Minerals Industries, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Smt. Raj Kumari Bansal, w/o Sri Mahesh Kumar Bansal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
31.       M/S Naveen Enterprises, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Vineet Kumar Pandey s/o Sri V.K. Pandey, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
32.        M/S Swastik Minerals, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Vikas Jain s/o Sri Sant Kumar Jain, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
33.       M/S Shambhoo Nath Chandrika Prasad, Jaitwara, District Satna    (M.P.) through its Proprietor Sushil Gupta s/o Sri Mishri Lal Gupta, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
34.       M/S Agrawal Trading Corporation, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Shiv Kumar Agrawal s/o Sri Ram Bahori Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
35.        M/S Nimit Minerals, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Girdhari Agrawal s/o Sri Govind Prasad Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).


1.   State of Uttar Pradesh, through Secretary,
Forest Department, Secretariat, U.P. Lucknow.
2.   Chief Conservator, Forest, U.P., Lucknow.
3.    Conservator, Forest, Bundelkhand Circle, Jhansi.
4.    Divisional Forest Officer, Banda Region, Banda.
5.    Divisional Forest Officer, Karvi, Chitrakoot Dham,
District – Chitrakoot.

            The Hon’ble the Chief Justice and his other companion Judges of the aforesaid Court.
             The humble application of the abovenamed applicants/ petitioners most respectfully showeth as under: -
1.           That the full facts and circumstances of the case have been disclosed in the accompanying writ petition, it is expedient in the interest of justice that this Hon’ble Court may graciously be pleased to direct the Respondents not to realise the Transit Fees or to enforce the Registration Pass from the non forest produce mineral/ marketable minerals belonging to the petitioners transported through the vehicles In furtherance of illegal provisions of Rules 3,4 and 5 and Rule 21 and 23 of U.P. Transit of  Timber and other Forest Produce Rules, 1978 respectively.                                            
               It is, therefore, most respectfully prayed that this Hon’ble Court may graciously be pleased to direct the respondents not to realise the transit fees or to enforce the Registration Pass from the Mineral/
marketable minerals belonging to the petitioners transported through the vehicles In furtherance of illegally non enforceable provisions of Rules 3,4 and 5 and Rule 21 and 23 of U.P. Transit of Timber and other Forest Produce Rules, 1978 respectively. And /or pass such other suitable order or direction which this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper in the present circumstances of the case.

Dated/-14th January, 2005                (YOGESH KUMAR SAXENA)           
                                                          COUNSEL FOR THE PETITIONERS

CIVIL MISC. WRIT PETITION NO.                      OF 2005
          (Under Article 226 of the Constitution of India)
                                                                          ( DISTRICT – BANDA )

1.           M/S Neogy  and Sons, Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.)
Through its Partner Ashok Kumar Neogy, s/o Late
Anil Kumar Neogy, resident of Jaitwara, District-
Satna (M.P.)
2.           M/S Mittal Trading Company, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.)        through its partner Suresh Kumar Agrawal, son of Sri Beni Madhav  Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.)
3.           M/S Chhabbo Lal Shiv Kumar, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Partner Shiv Kumar son of Sri Chhabbov Lal ,Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
4.           M/S Rameshwar Prasad  Ram Chandra, Jitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Kamlesh Kumar Bansal Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
5.            M/S Kunji Lal Ishwar Prasad, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Durga Prasad Agrawal, s/o Sri Mool Chand Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
6.           M/S M.M. Minerals, Satna, through its Partner Smt. Saraswati Agrawal, w/o Sri Mahesh Prasad Agrawal,Resident of Satna, District- Satna (M.P.).
7.            M/S Praveen Chand Jain, Uchehara, District Satna, through its Partner Praveen Chand Jain, s/o Sri Shiclal Jain,Resident of Uchehara,.District Satna (M.P.).
8.            M/S S.M. Minerals, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Mahesh Prasad Agrawal, s/o Sri Shiv Ratan Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
9.            M/S Ruchit Minerals & Chemicals, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Raghvendra Kumar  Agrawal, s/o Sri Ram Autar Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
10.        M/S Sitaram Mahesh Kumar, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Ashok Bansal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
11.       M/S Harris Minerals Supply Co. Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Arun Kumar Bansal, s/o Sri Har Lal Bansal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
12.       M/S Bansal Khanij Udyog, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Partner Ram Chandra Bansal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
13.        M/S M.P. Mineral Supply Co. Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Parnter Om Prakash Bansal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
14.       M/S Jai Lal  Bharat Lal, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Shree Gopal Bansal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
15.       M/S Rakesh Agencies, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Om Prakash Bansal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
16.        M/S Mittal Minerals, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Brijendra Kumar Agrawal s/o Sri Som Chandra Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
17.        M/S Harsh Minerals, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Sharda Prasad Bansal s/o Sri Har Lal Basal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
18.       M/S Lachhi Lal and Sons Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Praveen Chand Agrawal , Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
19.        M/S Pooja Minerals Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through Power of Attorney Holder Sri R.S. Bansal ,Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
20.        M/S Samle Prasad Gauri Shankar  Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Prakash Chandra Gupta   s/o Sri Gauri Shankar Gupta, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
21.       M/S Mahesh Minerals Satna (M.P.) through its proprietor Mahesh Prasad Agrawal   s/o Sri Mool Chand Agrawal, Resident of Satna,  District- Satna (M.P.).
22.       M/S Hiralal Anubhav Kumar  Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Vishwanath Prasad    s/o Sri Heera Lal Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
23.        M/S Hiralal & Sons, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Rajendra Kumar Agrawal s/o Sri Heera Lal Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
24.       M/S Gulab Chand Agrawal & Brothers Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Ramdas Agrawal  s/o Sri Beni Madhav Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
25.       M/S Kunjilal Badri Prasad Agrawal, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its partner Durga Prasad Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
26.        M/S Agrawal Minerals, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Lakhanlal Agrawal  s/o Sri Sundar Lal Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
27.       M/S Agrawal Minerals,  Jaitwara Branch at  Katni. (M.P.) through its Proprietor Gopal Swaroop Agrawal s/o Sri Govind Prasad Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
28.       M/S Shiv Minerals & Chemicals, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Smt. Sarla Devi Agrawal , w/o Sri Ram Autar Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
29.       M/S Singhania Minerals, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Vishnu Kumar Agrawal s/o Sri Mukund Lal Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
30.       M/S R.K. Minerals Industries, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Smt. Raj Kumari Bansal, w/o Sri Mahesh Kumar Bansal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
31.       M/S Naveen Enterprises, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Vineet Kumar Pandey  s/o Sri  V.K. Pandey, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
32.        M/S Swastik Minerals, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Vikas Jain  s/o Sri Sant Kumar Jain, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
33.       M/S Shambhoo Nath Chandrika Prasad, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Sushil Gupta s/o Sri Mishri Lal Gupta, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
34.       M/S Agrawal Trading Corporation, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Shiv Kumar Agrawal s/o Sri Ram Bahori Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).
35.        M/S Nimit Minerals, Jaitwara, District Satna (M.P.) through its Proprietor Girdhari Agrawal s/o Sri Govind Prasad Agrawal, Resident of Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.).  ………………………..PETITIONERS.

1.   State of Uttar Pradesh, through Secretary,
Forest Department, Secretariat, U.P.Lucknow.
2.   Chief Conservator, Forest, U.P., Lucknow.
3.   Conservator, Forest, Bundelkhand Circle, Jhansi.
4.   Divisional Forest Officer, Banda Region, Banda.
5.   Divisional Forest Officer, Karvi, Chitrakoot Dham,
District – Chitrakoot.

            The Hon’ble the Chief Justice and his other companion Judges of the aforesaid Court.
             The humble writ petition of the abovenamed petitioners most respectfully showeth as under :-

1.          That this is the first writ petition filed by the petitioners before this Hon’ble Court relating to the controversy involved in the present writ petition and no other writ petition has been filed or pending on the same before this Hon’ble Court. The petitioners have not received any notice of the Caveat application so far in the present writ petition.

2.          That the Union List promulgated i9n exercise of the power under Article 246 have the Entry No. 54 for regulation of the mines and mineral development under the Seventh Schedule of our Constitution. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 13 of the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957. The Central Government enacted the Mineral Concession Rules, 1960. The petitioner No. 1 to 23 are the lease holder under the aforesaid rules, while the petitioner No. 24 to 35 are their traders dealing with the marketable mineral brought from them. The excavation of the minerals namely Red Ochre, Yellow Ochre, White Earth and Bauxite etc. is done from the revenue land from out side the forest land and as such no transit fees as levied on forest produced by the respondents may be realised from them.

3.          That by means of the present writ petition, the petitioners are seeking the directions from this Hon’ble Court not to enforce coercive Registration under Rule 21and 23 and not to realise any transit fees from the mineral (non Forest Produce) transported through the vehicles under the provisions of U.P. Transit of Timber and Other Forest Produce Rules, 1978 (hereinafter referred as Forest Produce Rules, 1978) as the mineral transported by the petitioners from Jaitwara, Satna, Katni and Jabalpur excavated from different areas of State of Madhya Pradesh transported to destination to the State of Uttar Pradesh and other States of Northern India are not the forest produce within the definition of Section 2 (4)(b) of the Forest Act as the same are neither found in, nor brought from a forest area and as such there is no power vested with the respondents for realisation of the transit fees from the vehicles transporting the minerals for carrying it within territorial limit of Uttar Pradesh.

4.          That before submitting the brief factual matrix of the controversy involved in the present writ petition, it is submitted that since all the petitioners are seeking identical relief based on the common set of facts and as such the petitioners have associated themselves for filing the present writ petition in order to get redressal of their grievances against the illegal and arbitrary exercise of power in realisation of transit charges from the vehicles carrying the mineral excavated by them. The present writ petition filed on behalf of all the petitioners may kindly be accepted for deciding the controversy as a common legal aspect of the matter for kind appreciation and perusal of this Hon’ble Court is involved in the present writ petition.

5.          That the Hon’ble Supreme Court has already laid down for the protection and conservation of the forest in T.N. Godavarman Thirumulkpad versus Union of India (1997) 2 S.C.C. Page 267; A.I.R. 1997 S.C. page 1228 followed by (1997) 3 S.C.C. page 312 and (1997) 10 S.C.C. Page 775 followed by further directions in the aforesaid case subsequently thereafter that since the word ‘ FOREST ‘ must be understood according to its dictionary meaning, the description covered under all the statutory recognised forest designated as reserved, protected or otherwise, the connotation ‘FOREST’ and the term forest land occurring in Section 2 that the forest and forest land shall also include any area recorded irrespective of its ownership. The entire mining activities in all the States indulged for excavation of the mineral were stopped in side the forest area and as such the aforesaid judgements have completely prohibited for excavation of any mineral from the forest, nor the same could have been brought by any individual from a forest.

6.          That the common questions of law are involved in relations to cause of action applicable in relations to non-realisation of the transit fees from non-forest produce. This petition is also having the touch of Public Interest as large number of vehicles carrying the non Produce mineral excavated from non forest area/ land is subjected to get arbitrary registered by the respondents and Transit Fees is Illegally charged upon such Mineral (non Forest Produce) b using the police power and as such it may be treated in Public Interest also, for redressal of grievances of public at large. Thus a single set of court fees may be required to be paid in the present writ petition.

7.              That the minerals namely Red Ochre (Geru), Yellow Ochre (Pili Mitti), white earth (Khadia), and lime stone are used for religious purposes inside the temple and on the deity of different vedic Hindu Religious functions as well as white earth (Khadia) in imparting education to primary level students in village and also the use of different Ayrvedic Medicine preparation. The mineral Bauxite is used for manufacturing alum (Fitikari), which is used for purification of water and has other medicinal values. The same are the Non Forest Produce Mineral and as such the charging of the alleged transit fees on the transportation of these material may effect the cost escalation to the majority of citizens and children using these mineral effecting their fundamental and legal rights guaranteed under Articles 14, 19(1) (a) (c) & (f), 21, 25,and 26 read with article 45 0f constitution of India. Thus the present writ petition may be treated apart from individual legal rights of the petitioner, also in Public Interest for the protection of the legal rights of the Children, citizens at large suffering on account of cost escalation of these mineral. 

8.          That apart from this, there is no factual controversy involved in relations to any disputed question of factual aspect and the position in respect of the realisation of illegal transit fees from the mineral transported through the vehicles crossing through Badausa and Karvi barriers within jurisdiction of respondent no. 4 and 5 are vitally affecting to the legal rights resulting in infringement of their respective fundamental rights guaranteed under Article 14, 19 (a) (g) and 300-A of the Constitution of India.

9.             That fairness in exercise of statutory power conferred with the authority vested under the respondents is the duty caste upon the officials performing certain statutory functions. The custodian of power have reciprocal obligations to act for achieving objective to meet out the periphery of the requirement reposed with them. Since there is a clear transgression of the limit through colourable exercise of power resulting in highhandedness to the rights of the aggrieved party, this Hon’ble Court being sentinel and guardian of people at large has power to restrain them from acting in contravention to the provisions of law.

10.          That for the kind appraisal of this Hon’ble Court, the petitioners are reproducing the provisions of Section 2 (4) of the Forest Act hereinafter :-
    “ 2 (4). ‘ Forest Produce’ includes-
(c)    the following, whether found in, or brought from, a forest or not, that is to say –
  Timber, charcoal, coutchouc, catechu, wood-oil, resin, natural varnish, bark, lac, myrabalans and rhinoceros horns, and
(d)                   the following when found in or brought from a forest, that is to say –
(v)         Trees and leaves, and fruits and all other parts or produce, not herein before mentioned of trees.
(vi)       Plants not being trees (including grass, creepers, reeds and moss), and all parts of produce of such plants.
(vii)      Wild animals and skins, tusks and horns other than rhinoceros horns, bones, silk, cocoons, honey and wax , and all other parts or produce of animals, and
(viii)    Peat, surface oil, rock and minerals (including lime-stone, laterite, mineral oils and all products of mines and quarries.”

11.      That the U. P. Transit of Timber and Other Forest Produce Rules, 1978 are enacted in exercise of powers conferred under section 41, 42, 51 and 76 of the Indian Forest Act, 1927 in suppression of the Govt. notification No. 672/XIV-42 dated 30.9.1915 and all other orders and notification on the subject the Governor of Uttar Pradesh was pleased to make the U.P. Transit of Timber and Other Forest Produce Rules, 1978 to regulate the transit of timber and other forest produce. The true copy of the aforesaid Forest Produce Rules, 1978 is being filed herewith and marked as Annexure no.1 to this writ petition.

12.      That the petitioners are the registered partnership firms/ proprietorship firm and Traders carrying on the business of purchase and sale of minerals namely Red Ochre (Geru), Yellow Ochre ( Pili Mitti), white earth ( Khadia), Buxite, and lime stone. These minerals are excavated in accordance with the conditions stipulated in mining lease granted by the Madhya Pradesh State Government, which are situated in the Revenue Area, (out side forest area). None of the mining lease area is situated in any forest area and the petitioners have filed their applications supported with affidavit to this effect to the respondent no.3 for determination of their rights.

13.      That a certificate to this effect has been obtained from Mines Officer by the petitioners stating therein that excavation of the mineral is done from mines situated in the Revenue Area. The petitioners are filing the one exemplar for the purposes of demonstrating and in support of contentions made by the petitioners. The true copy of the prescribed Form of Mining Lease dated 21.12.2001 executed by the concerned petitioner through its partner and the Collector on behalf of Governor of Madhya Pradesh accompanied with the Map and stamp payable in the aforesaid lease for the aforesaid execution are also filed as an exemplar herewith and marked as Annexure no.2 to this writ petition.

14.      That although the validity of the aforesaid forest produce Rules, 1978 has been upheld by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in J. T. 2002 (4) S.C. Page 341, but it has been held that no transit fees shall be charged if the mineral are not found in or brought on the forest as defined under the Forest Act in case of Sonebhadra Minor Mineral Lease/Permit Holders Association Versus State of Uttar Pradesh and other bearing writ petition no. 5339 of 2002. The true copy of the judgement dated 18.7.2002 passed in writ petition no. 5339 of 2002 is being filed herewith and marked as. Annexure no 3 to this writ petition.

15.      That the petitioners are also filing the Mineral Transit-Pass Transit Pit Pass d indicating the proof of dispatch from Revenue Land payable by them to the Madhya Pradesh Government for transportation of mineral from the mines situated to the place of their respective factories. The transit-pass are filed in order to demonstrate the factum of excavation and transportation from revenue land out side from any forest area and forest land. The true copy of the said Mineral Transit-Pass 13.11.2003 payable by them to the Madhya Pradesh Government are being filed as an exemplar herewith and marked as Annexure no.4 to this writ petition.

16.      That despite the facts that none of mineral transported is foreign produce, the respondent no.3 is issuing the foreign –pass by compelling the firm owners of the mines and traders to get themselves registered in furtherance of the provisions of Rule 21 and 23 of the U.P. Transit of Timber and other Forest Produce Rules, 1978. In case such registration is not taken by the firm owners and traders, the vehicles transporting the minerals are ceased by exercising the Police power in collusion with Police administration by the respondent no.3. This is in violation of rights guaranteed to the citizens having the transportation of the vehicles, which is violative of Article 14, 19(1) (f), 21 and 300-A of the Constitution of India. The true copy of the Foreign Pass dated 27. 12. 2003 obtained by the respondent no.3 under the threat of confiscation of the vehicle even transporting the non Forest Produce are filed as Annexure No. 5 to this writ petition.

17.      That the power to regulate the forest produce vests with the Central Govt. under the provisions of section 39 of the Indian Forest Act, which is realizable only in respect of duty imposed on Timber and other forest produce. Since there has been the detail provisions under Rule 3 to Rule 5 of THE UTTAR PRADESH MINERS (PREVENTION OF ILLEGAL MINING TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE) Rules, 2002 and as such no mineral can be excavated from the forest land. The transit pass are issued for the purposes of conducting the transportation of mineral from the Mines, which is issued by Collector of the Mines Department. It is clearly mentioned on the transit pass that the same is issued for the transportation o f the mineral excavated from the non-forest area. Thus there is the prohibition made for realisation of the transit fees chargeable from the mineral excavated from the non-forest area as non-forest produce.

18.      That the state Govt. vide notification dated 16.6.2004 brought the first amendment in the Forest Produce Rule, 1978, the notification has been issued on 14.6.2004 having the different schedule rates for realisation of transit fees and for enhancement of fees of issuance of foreign pass from Rs.100/- to Rs.750/-. The true copy of the provisions of U.P. Transit of Timber and other Forest Produce (Ist Amendment) Rules, 2004 issued vide notification dated 16.6.2004 is being filed herewith and marked as Annexure no.6 to this writ petition.

19.      That the collection of transit fees at the forest check posts is arbitrary and violative of Article 14 of the Constitution of India and amount to unreasonable restriction on the rights of the petitioners to carry trade and business as guaranteed under Article 19 (1) of the Constitution of India.

20.      That, it may be stated here that levying duty of transit fee is only (fee) and the said levy is being demanded by the petitioners on each trip, but in return the respondents are not rendering any service in lieu of realisation /collection of transit fees. They are not maintaining any separate account of funds and are only mixing up it with general revenue. Accordingly levy demanding as transit fees is invalid.

21.      That the petitioners have brought on record the example of interference by the Forest Department in the name and style of transit fees against the petitioners. This as such is wholly arbitrary, unwarranted, and bad in the eyes of law. This is an illegal interference in the business and trade of the petitioners and the act and conduct of the respondents is violative of article 19 (1)(g) of the Constitution of India.

22.      That on 13.9.2004 in a similar facts and circumstances involving identical question of law (involving silica sand) ,a Division Bench of this Hon’ble Court was pleased to direct that no transit fee shall be realised from the petitioners in transporting the finished products vide order dated 13.9.2004. The true copy of the interim order dated 13.9.2004 passed in writ petition no.36496 of 2004 is being filed herewith and marked as Annexure no.7 to this writ petition.

23.      That in the similar circumstances of the case, circumstances involving identical question of law (involving silica sand), the Division Bench of this Hon’ble Court in a writ petition no. 45687 of 2004 was pleased to direct the respondents that no transit fee shall be realised from the petitioners in transporting the finished produce i.e. silica sand etc.. The true copy of the interim order dated 1.11.2004 passed in writ petition no. 45687 of 2004 is being filed herewith and marked as Annexure no.8 to this writ petition. 

24.      That all these facts may lead to an inscable conclusion, that minerals are found and excavated and brought from the limit out side the forest land/ area and as such none of mineral excavated in furtherance of provisions of Mineral Concession Rules, 1960 are the forest produce within the meaning of section 2 (4)(b)(iv) of the Forest Act.

25.      That some of the petitioners out of petitioners no.1 to 23 are also regulated by the provisions of Factories Act, as the mineral found in side the mines area are converted to marketable products in the factories and thereafter the same are sold to the Traders in the market within territorial jurisdiction of entire country.

26.      That out of total 35 petitioners, there are 23 petitioners having own mines from where they use to excavate the mineral referred to above. The rest of petitioner no. 24 to 35 are the Traders purchasing the processed finished marketable mineral from the petitioner no, 1 to 23. They may be treated as representing to larger number of public, whose fundamentally rights are ruthlessly violated by realisation of transit fees from non forest produce under the provisions of U.P. Transit of Timber and Other Forest Produce Rules, 1978 by the respondents. None of mineral/ processed mineral/ marketable mineral may be considered as the forest produce from any angle as the same is neither found, nor brought from the forest land/ forest area . Thus the provisions of U.P. Transit of Timber and other Forest Produce Rules, 1978 are not applicable. The true copy of the representations submitted by the petitioners before the respondent no.3 on 31.12.2004 accompanied with the affidavits in support of these averment are being filed herewith and marked as Annexure no.9 Collectively to this writ petition.

27.      That most of the petitioners no. 1 to 23 are carrying their business for more than 40 years, but they were not subjected by the State of Uttar Pradesh by levying transit fees. Since the marketable produce are neither found, nor brought from any forest area and as such no transit fees is levied upon them in the State of Uttar Pradesh.

28.      That the respondent no.3 inspite knowing fully that after issuance of directions contained in T.N. Godavarman Thirumulkpad case (Supra), there is complete prohibition for excavation of any mineral and it has also been regulated by the State of Uttar Pradesh in relations to minor mineral by promulgating a Government order in furtherance of the directions contained in the aforesaid case that no excavation is permissible even within periphery of 100 Meters from the forest land and as such the no objection certificate is required from the Divisional Forest Officer by the State Govt. prior to giving any right for excavation of minor mineral. The similar position as applicable in the State of Madhya Pradesh for the purposes of getting excavation of mineral in furtherance of Mineral Concession Rules, 1960. Thus if the transit fees is being realised by transporting the excavated mineral from any part of country as that of forest produce by the State of Uttar Pradesh, the same will render the directions contained in the case of T.N. Godavarman Thirumulkpad and other case as redundant, obsolete and non-existent.

29.      That it is well settled proposition of law that the directions given by the Hon’ble Supreme Court are binding through out country under Article 141 of the Constitution of India. The respondent no.2 to 5 are realising the transit fees from mineral transported at the rate of Rs. 38/- per Ton and thereby contemplating/ declaring that the directions given by the Hon’ble Apex Court have either being provoked or the same has been done in derogations to the aforesaid directions, which are considered to be law of nation.

30.      That in this manner, it is totally unconstitutional and void ab initio to realise the transit fees from the petitioners in furtherance of provisions of U.P. Transit of Timber and other Forest Produce Rules, 1978. The same is prohibited in respect of such realisation by respondent no.2 to 5 as the mineral excavated from the revenue area may not be tantamount from any angle as that of forest produce as defined under section 2 (4)(b) of the Forest Act. Thus the directions may be issued to the respondents not to realise any transit fees from the mineral transported through the vehicles carrying mineral /processed mineral/ marketable mineral from the State of Madhya Pradesh carrying and passing through the State of Uttar Pradesh. The petitioners may not be compelled to get themselves registered under Rule 21 and 23 of the U.P. Transit of Timber and other Forest Produce Rules, 1978 by the respondent no. 3.

31.      That under these circumstances, it is expedient in the interest of justice that this Hon’ble Court may graciously be pleased to direct the respondents not to realise any transit fees from the mineral transported through the vehicles carrying mineral /processed mineral/ marketable mineral from the State of Madhya Pradesh carrying and passing through the State of Uttar Pradesh.

32.      That it is further prayed that this Hon’ble Court may be pleased to direct the respondent no.3 not to compel the petitioners to get themselves registered under Rule 21 and 23 of the U.P. Transit of Timber and other Forest Produce Rules, 1978.

33.      That the petitioners have got not other alternative remedy except to approach this Hon’ble Court by way of filing the present writ petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India.

34.      The present writ petition is being filed on the following amongst other grounds :-                         
a.            Because, all the petitioners are carrying on their business in mineral  namely Red Ochre ( Geru ), Yellow Ochre    ( Pili Mitti) , while earth Buxite, white earth and lime stone, which is neither found, nor brought from the Forest Area and the same is excavated from outside the Forest Land in vie of mandate of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in T.N. Godavarman Thirumulkpad versus Union of India (1997) 2 S.C.C. Page 267; A.I.R. 1997 S.C. page 1228 followed by (1997) 3 S.C.C. page 312 and (1997) 10 S.C.C. Page 775 followed by further directions in the aforesaid case and as such the same is not the forest produce within the definition of section 2 (4) (b) (iv) of the Forest Act.
b.            Because, the realisation of transit fees in furtherance of U.P. Transit of Timber and other Forest Produce Rules, 1978 are only permissible, when the material transported through the territorial jurisdiction of the respondents is found and brought from a forest land and as such classified as Forest produce in furtherance of provisions of U.P. Transit of Timber and other Forest Produce Rules, 1978.
c.            Because, in T.N.Godavarman Thirumulkpad case (Supra), it has been prohibited to get the excavation of mineral from any forest area or forest land and as such it is not permissible to violate the aforesaid directions issued by Hon’ble Supreme Court by any State Government in the India.
d.            Because this petition is also having the touch of Public Interest as large number of vehicles carrying the non Produce mineral excavated from non forest area/ land is subjected to get arbitrary registered by the respondents and Transit Fees is Illegally charged upon such Mineral (non Forest Produce) using the police power and as such it may be treated as Public Interest Litigation for redressal of grievances of public at large.
e.             Because the minerals namely Red Ochre (Geru), Yellow Ochre ( Pili Mitti), white Ochre ( Khadia), white earth and lime stone are used for  religious purposes inside the temple and on the deity of  different  vedic Hindu Religious functions as well as white earth ( Khadia) in imparting education to primary level students in village and also the use of different Ayrvedic Medicine preparation. It is submitted that bauxite is used for manufacturing of alum (Raw Fitkari), which is used for purification of water and also used for medicine preparation.  The said minerals are non forest produce mineral and as  such the charging of the alleged Transit Fees on the transportation of these material may effect the cost escalation to the majority of citizens using these mineral effecting their fundamental and legal rights guaranteed under Articles 14, 19(1) (a) (c) & (f), 21, 25,and 26 read with article 45 0f constitution of India. Thus the present writ petition may be treated apart from individual legal rights of the petitioner, also in the form as Public Interest Litigation/ social Action Litigation for  the protection of the legal rights of the Children, citizens at large suffering on account of cost escalation of these mineral.
f.             Because this Hon’ble Court has directed the respondents in writ petition no.36406 of 2004 ( Darshan Lal Chawla and another Vs. State of U. P. and others )( Annexure No.7) not to realise the transit fees from the furnished products i.e. Silica Sands  on 13.09.2004 and the similar order has been passed in writ petition no. 45687 of 2004 (M/S Bhulli Maharaj and 8 others vs. State of U. P. through Secretary Forest and 5 others)( Annexure No. 8) on 1.11.2004. The case of the petitioner being identical and as such the petitioners also entitled to obtained the similar order in the present writ petition.
g.            Because, the regulations of transit by issuance of pass under Rule 3,4 and 5 is only meant for regulating transit of forest produce, but the same is not applicable in respect of none forest produce materials and as such realisation of transit fees from the petitioners is violative of Article 14, 19(1)(g), 21 and 300-A of the Constitution of India.
h.            Because, all the petitioners have moved their applications / representations duly supported by the affidavits to the Conservator of Forest, Bundelkhand Circle, Jhansi, in which they have categorically stated that realisation of transit fees is illegal , but still then the petitioners are subjected to harassment by compelling them to get the foreign passes under Rule 21 and 23 of the U.P. Transit of  Timber and other Forest Produce Rules, 1978, which is only applicable in case of material transported is a forest produce and not otherwise.
i.              Because, this Hon’ble Court in case of Sonebhadra Minor Mineral Lease/Permit Holders Association Versus State of Uttar Pradesh and other bearing writ petition no. 5339 of 2002 has held that no transit fees could be realised from other than forest produce and as such there is no power vested with the respondents to enforce the registration of foreign passes or to realisation of transit fees from the petitioners.                                      
                        It is, therefore, most respectfully prayed that this Hon’ble Court may graciously be pleased to :- 
(i)            issue a writ, order or direction in the nature of mandamus directing the respondents not to realise the Transit Fees or to enforce the registration of foreign pass from the mineral / marketable minerals belonging to the petitioners transported through the vehicles in furtherance of provisions of Rules 3,4 and 5 and Rule 21 and 23 respectively of U.P. Transit of  Timber and other Forest Produce Rules, 1978.
(ii)           Issue any other suitable order or direction which this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper in the present circumstance of the case.

Dated/-  14th  January, 2005                (YOGESH KUMAR SAXENA)           
                                                          COUNSEL FOR THE PETITIONERS
                                                                             Chamber No. 139

CIVIL MISC. WRIT PETITION NO.                      OF 2005
          (Under Article 226 of the Constitution of India)
                                                                          (DISTRICT – BANDA)
         M/S Neogy and Sons, Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.)
Through its Partner Ashok Kumar Neogy, s/o Late
Anil Kumar Neogy, resident of Jaitwara, District-
Satna (M.P.) and 34 others


State of Uttar Pradesh, through Secretary,
Forest Department, Secretariat, U.P. Lucknow. and others

Affidavit of Suresh Kumar Agrawal aged about 53 years S/o Late Shri Beni Madhao Agrawal, R/o- Village jaitwara, Tehsil Raghuraj Nagar( Majhgawa), District- Satna ( Madhya Pradesh)

                                                 ( DEPONENT)

I, the above named Deponent, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows:
1.      That the deponent is the Partner of the petitioner no. 2 and has been authorised by the petitioners to file his affidavit in support of the contents of the above noted writ petition and as such he is fully acquainted with the facts deposed to below.
             That the contents of paragraph 1 of this affidavit and those of paragraphs no.1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 16, 21, 24, 25, 26, 32, of the writ petition are true to the personal knowledge of the deponent, those  of paragraph  no., 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 27, of the affidavit are based on perusal of records and those of paragraph no2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 17, 19, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34,  of the  writ petition are based on legal advice, which also deponent  believes to be true that nothing material has been concealed and that no part of this affidavit is false.
 So help me God.
( Deponent )
           I, Yogesh Kumar Saxena Advocate High Court Allahabad do hereby identify the deponent from perusal of the papers in his possession and I am satisfied that he is the same person making this affidavit.
                                                                                ( Yogesh Kumar Saxena)
                                                                              Registration No.946 of 1974
L.T.I. of the Deponent

Solemnly affirmed before me this------------------day of -----------------2005--------at A.M./ P.M. by the deponent who is identified by the aforesaid clerk/ Advocate.

       I have satisfied myself examining the deponent that he understands the contents of this affidavit, Which have been read over and explained to him by me.

                                       Oath Commissioner


                                ANNEXURE NO.
CIVIL MISC. WRIT PETITION NO.                      OF 2005
          (Under Article 226 of the Constitution of India)
                                                                          (DISTRICT – BANDA)
         M/S Neogy and Sons, Jaitwara, District- Satna (M.P.)
Through its Partner Ashok Kumar Neogy, s/o Late
Anil Kumar Neogy, resident of Jaitwara, District-
Satna (M.P.) and 34 others

State of Uttar Pradesh, through Secretary,
Forest Department, Secretariat, U.P. Lucknow. and others